We made it to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We have decided that 8 hour days work pretty well for us in the car. Everyone starts to get cranky and we all just want to move. We left the Super 8 this morning at about 8:00am. The days seem to be going by pretty fast for me. I have been reading Frank Pretti's 'The Oath', and every afternoon we watch a movie.
After we got to the hotel this evening Mom decided that it would be nice to have some fruit and milk with supper. So Dad, Sarah, Natty and I walked to the 'Husky' a convenience/gas station that might have some Pineapple. They didn't. So we went back to the hotel room and told Mom. She said we past a Cosco (Kinda like Sam's) on the way in. So Dad and I bundled up, its about
20(o) out, and we walked into a head wind about 6 blocks to the Cosco. Half way there Dad says something about hoping they would have food. (We didn't know what it was yet.) We get in and they have the super heated entryway. Most of the time I find these annoying but tonight it felt good. So Dad and I are thawing out and we see everyone else showing a card to a "Guard" at the door. Dad asks the nice lady if we need a card to shop. He explains that we are just traveling and need a few groceries. She sent us to the customer service desk. When it was our turn Dad asked if we could have a day pass. The lady there told us that she could give us a "Look pass" but if we wanted to buy anything we needed a membership. Dad asked how much that would be and she said "$55.00" I think that Dad and I both just about swallowed our toungue.
Dinner was Pancakes and Sausage and bananas. It was just as good without pineapple.
So far we haven't had any emergencies but we are all still awake. ^_^
I'm not sure of our destination for tomarow but I'll let you know when we get there.
Missy just showed me your blog. I enjoyed reading about your trip so far. Love you guys so much!
Gabe, Missy, Forest, ??? and NTD
Karla and I have been reading your posts daily, and highly enjoying the updates! I got to talk to mom on the phone yesterday, which was very nice...I'm really glad you guys still have the cell so we can reach you. How long are you gonna have it? Well, I'll let you get back to your northern trek, and I'll get back to work. Hugs and kisses from Karla, Phae, and I! Love you all!!!
Your brother,
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