Here we are in Whitehorse, a long drive but not as nerve racking as yesterday. We actually saw pavement and yellow lines for the last hour. Not that the roads where any better. Thank God for four wheel drive otherwise we still might be in Dawson creek.Not as much wild life today, we saw a few Caribou and a red fox.
I'm ready to be in Alaska and be settled in, eight days is a lllooonnnggg drive. I have to say though it has gone by really quickly. We were doing The Book Audrey gave us and I had to double check and make sure that we had been on the road for eight days.
Most of the hotels have been very nice and clean. The one that we are in now has a restaurant in it! The only place to get the Internet is in the lobby that also serves as an entrance to the restaurant, and I can smell food. I just ate a wonderful supper and I'm hungry!
The dogs have settled into the cramped courters. In the morning when all of our bags are packed and the Cat goes in her crate, the dogs start to whine and talk. Then when we get back to the car they jump in almost before we are ready for them to. Mac's tail has been shut in the door so many times that the fur is falling off and he looks really funny! He seems to know it though and the once curly tail is now hidden under the hotel desk or between his legs. Aleika got loose today and decided to explore the parking lot while playing a game of chace with all the kids! She came to me though when I called her and now is intrusted to no one but Dad.
Father has been doing all of the driving thus far, and he has been doing a masterful job at it! I think that I speek for all of us when I say, we feel perfectly safe in the "mini blizzards."
All of the semis up here pull two trailers behind them and drive about 100 MPH. I think that they are all Americans and forget that the 100 on the speed limit sign is not miles per hour but kilometers per hour.
We should be in Alaska by tomorrow.